Multi-factor authentication in marketplaces
This feature is currently in Early Availability status. For more information about Early Availability status, see Product lifecycle phases.
Marketplaces adding new UI support for multi-factor authentication.
Currently, marketplace owners can configure a second step in the login process for their users. This second step is focused on using SMS or TOTP methods.
To set set multi-factor authentication for their account, a user must go to their user profile ({username}
> Profile > Settings > SETTINGS | Two-Factor Authentication). Currently, SMS and TOTP are supported.
This new feature adds new user interfaces for SMS and TOTP authentication methods, as well as support for security keys using the WebAuthN API. When a user selects this option from the Switch Authentication drop-down list, they are prompted for more information to complete the setup.
The WebAuthN API also supports other multi-factor authentication options, but these are not supported on the marketplace at this time.
Feature enablement
Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request this feature.
Setting enablement
Settings required for each user, as described above.
Documentation will be updated with a future release.
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